the beginning of wisdom is …
How to live without fear,
To fall down or to be hurt,
Life is sometimes so severe,
Full of wickedness and dirt,
How to live in peace and find
The serenity today,
When your hear that we are
May be living in the last days
The fear of Lord in you
Gives wisdom and leads you through,
All trials and traps that you
May meet on your life way,
Trust only in Lord and see,
His wisdom in history,
You find it in His word,
Rules to live in this world.
We are looking all for safety
For tomorrow and today,
Many people place all savings
In insurance and say,
That they feel this way more safely,
Trusting money and their bank,
Once yon’re shaken or in trouble
Would you be saved by your bank?
The fear of Lord gives us,
Stability and deep trust,
We are watching our ways,
Thinking what He would say,
Through fear and deep respect
To Lord you will see the fact,
That He leads you on a safe path,
Fear him and trust.
Never give a chance to devil
To come in and to destroy,
When you hear someone’s saying
« try it once it’s just a toy »
Fear of lord is not a panic,
It’s a source of common sense,
Getting into slavery,
It’s so hard to get free.
If you walk in a straight way
with fear of Lord today,
You’ll never take a wrong way,
It is just for your sake,
Lord loves you and keeps you safe,
From destruction and disgrace,
If you listen to His voice,
You ll make the right choice.